AEM X-Series OBDII Wideband UEGO AFR Sensor Controller Gauge - 30-0334

Air / Fuel Ratio Gauge

X-Series Wideband UEGO AFR Sensor Controller Gauge with OBDII Connectivity. Includes: X-Series Wideband Controller Gauge, Bosch LSU 4.9 Sensor, Wiring Harnesses, Black Bezel, Black AFR/Lambda Faceplate, OBD2 Cable & O2 Sensor Bung
Pricing: $256.95

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The OBDII output simulates an auxiliary ECU signal when plugged into a vehicle's OBD port, which requires a unique address from the other ECUs already on a vehicle's network. AEM's default OBDII CAN address will work with most popular vehicles and adjustments should not be necessary. However, AEM has provided OBDII address programmability through the buttons on the gauge face if a different address other than the default address is required, allowing users to program ECU #, Parameter Identification (PID), Message Identifier, and Bit Rate.

Note:Accurate AFR data is critical when tuning an engine. Running rich (very low air/fuel ratio, excessive fuel) can cause a loss in power, while running too lean (very high air/fuel ratio, not enough fuel) may result in serious engine damage. Using a wideband air/fuel controller during the tuning process allows you to monitor AFR and adjust tuning parameters to optimize them for maximum power and efficiency. AEM has a comprehensive line of highly accurate, reliable wideband air/fuel controllers that can help ensure your vehicle is optimally tuned.

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Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 1.5 lbs.
  • W5.1000” x H5.0000” x L5.2000”
  • Free Shipping

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